Friday, September 19, 2008

And the winner is......

Drumroll pleas....


Kristen entered my Twilight T-shirt contest last month and her winning slogan was:

"Please feed me....My mom is reading Twilight"

Obviously, this would be for her kids. I know I was looking for something for me, but this one just embraces everything about the way I read. Life gets put on hold while I'm in a good book. Kristen and I are planning to make the T-shirts together, so when they're finished, I'll post pictures.

Thanks to everyone who entered! There were tons of cute ideas and they will not go to waste. I promise. :) More to come on that down the road.


Jamie said...

Good one! I hope you have fun in your scrapper extravaganza!

Anonymous said...

I love the shirt idea, Tim could vouch that I have been that way with the twilight books. Have fun scrapbooking today (all day).

Eric and Hannah said...

Wow, that is a good one! Are you taking orders?

Chad and Kristen said...

WOOT WOOT!!! Thank you, Thank you....I can't wait to make our shirts!! They will be so cute!!!