Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Fall Festivities

I tried to be a little more prepared for Halloween this year. My kids are getting old enough to know there is more fun than just the candy (albeit that is the most fun). Jeff was coerced into helping me plan some fun things to do throughout the month to celebrate this spooky and beautiful time of year.
South Jordan City Chamber of Commerce sponsored a festival at the new District center. They had a fashion show for the kids. McKay wanted to be in it, but didn't mention it until it was over. The kids got candy and stickers and little prizes from lots of different businesses. We were all excited to take the hay ride until we got close. McKay and Lyndsi both backed out. Sigh. I do love a good hay ride! Jeff sprung for hot dogs and Dr. Pepper for everyone. (Hmm.. McKay and caffeine. Maybe not a great idea. Oh well.) Jeff was excited because they had all the trimmins. (For more on "Hot dog etiquette" check out his blog.)
The next weekend we had our "Fall Frolic." After a week of beautiful, warm weather, it rained and was miserably cold. We had to "frolic" inside. (Side note here- Frolic is not a word I generally use unless I'm trying to make people laugh.) We did get to go outside long enough for a bunch of kids 6 and under to bash a pinata (homemade) in. McKay loved it. I think I see the beginning of my retirement!

1 comment:

JM Phocion said...

Who is that kid that is eating while in line for the pinata? He seems to do that a lot.