Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Funny Little Things

I'm not so great about writing down the cute and funny things my kids say, but I've tried much harder this year to get it down. I found it's a great pick-me-upper and thought I'd share a few of my favorites:

McKay was playing with some hotwheel cars during sacrament meeting. He held them up and loudly asked me, "Can I drive them on your face or mine?"

(Last Christmas time)
Lyndsi and I were watching the snow fall out our backdoor. I kept switching on and off the porch light to show her that you could see the snow with the light on but not with the light off. She played with the switch for a minute and asked, "Why do we have a switch to turn the snow on and off?" If only it were that easy!

My favorite:
Sophie was maybe 5 months old when this happened. She was laying on the floor in the hallway while I was doing Lyndsi's hair. All of a sudden I heard this big scream of pain coming from my little baby. I turned around and asked McKay, rather concerned, what happened to the baby. He innocently replied, "I didn't step on Sophie's head." The little stink. He knows how to get himself out of trouble!

My other favorite:
We went to a little luncheon at my cousins house following their baby's blessing. Ranae walked down the hall to check on McKay and her own little boy and found a piece of ham stuck to the door. She grabbed it and laughed as she told me about it, assuming (of course) that it was McKay. Several minutes later, McKay wanders back from the general direction of the ham door and asks, "Hey! Who took my ham?"

He is a crack-up.

Fall Festivities

I tried to be a little more prepared for Halloween this year. My kids are getting old enough to know there is more fun than just the candy (albeit that is the most fun). Jeff was coerced into helping me plan some fun things to do throughout the month to celebrate this spooky and beautiful time of year.
South Jordan City Chamber of Commerce sponsored a festival at the new District center. They had a fashion show for the kids. McKay wanted to be in it, but didn't mention it until it was over. The kids got candy and stickers and little prizes from lots of different businesses. We were all excited to take the hay ride until we got close. McKay and Lyndsi both backed out. Sigh. I do love a good hay ride! Jeff sprung for hot dogs and Dr. Pepper for everyone. (Hmm.. McKay and caffeine. Maybe not a great idea. Oh well.) Jeff was excited because they had all the trimmins. (For more on "Hot dog etiquette" check out his blog.)
The next weekend we had our "Fall Frolic." After a week of beautiful, warm weather, it rained and was miserably cold. We had to "frolic" inside. (Side note here- Frolic is not a word I generally use unless I'm trying to make people laugh.) We did get to go outside long enough for a bunch of kids 6 and under to bash a pinata (homemade) in. McKay loved it. I think I see the beginning of my retirement!

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!!

I woke up unusually early this morning and decided to make some muffins. Of course my dog saw me and wanted to go out. As I opened the back door, I got a blast of cold air and looked up to see the world covered in a soft blanket of snow!

When Lyndsi walked in still sleepy-eyed, I told her to go look out the window. Her eyes instantly brightened and she was nonstop chatter about Christmas now might come before Halloween. Thankfully, I still have a couple of holidays til Christmas despite the snow. Then McKay wakes up and informs me he is going to eat breakfast in his "P" jammies. (He has to get dressed first normally or he'll through a fit and refuse to eat.) I ok-ed this, but told him he had to look out the living room window first. His eyes also got big and as he jumped up and down on the couch he exclaimed, "I knowed it could snow!!" It was too cute. With early church, it's almost needless to say McKay threw snowballs at us all the way to church.

Personally, I'm not a big fan of snow in any month other than December, but ya gotta admit there is something special about the first snow fall of the year.

Friday, October 19, 2007

The results are in...

I got my results last night from my medical transcription final. I passed with honors! I was seriously so scarred to read the email and then so relieved I almost cried. I am so excited and now will get to work from home. I've heard there are a lot of good, flexible companies out there. Just wanted to share!

Monday, October 8, 2007

Back in the saddle again

After a long week of testing and canning fruit, I feel like I am starting to return to a little bit of normalicy. My test wasn't too bad, but by the time I submitted it, my brain was complete mush. It took me another 24 hours to get my head cleared.
Conference was wonderful, wasn't it? I especially enjoyed Sis. Beck's talk on what kind of mother to be. I am so excited for Pres. Erying. What a huge responsibility for him, but he will do an amazing job. I am always so impressed at the great love I feel exuding from the brethren. It makes living the gospel just a little bit easier.
Last night we drove up Little Cottonwood Canyon (check out the gallery, by the way). The fall colors were beautiful, but when they had snow covered pines as a backdrop...Wow. I love the fresh, fall mountain air. It makes me want to breath it in as deeply as possible. We drove up by Snow Bird where Lyndsi insisted we stop the van and have a snowball fight. Her aim is getting pretty good. We weren't able to stay long, but it was definitely worth the trip.
I am so looking forward to the rest of the year. I love the business and celebration the next few months bring. I am determined to make the most of it and stress myself out as little as possible. More to come on that soon!
By the way, I've updated both the gallery and "In the Kitchen!"

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Women's Conference

I actually have a few quite minutes to myself. No kids, hubby, or test beckoning me away. I thought I would take a minute to catch up a little. I was sure that I had posted about being involved with the Relief Society's choir for the broadcast. I've looked my blog over 3 times and nothing! Oh well. I'm pretty sure I had told most of you about it. It really was an amazing experience. Sis. Webb did an incredible job both bringing in the Spirit and teaching the hymns. I look at my little green hymn book very differently now. Some of you said that you couldn't see me, and I haven't seen the broadcast yet to be able to point myself out. I did find this picture (more at so you can now say that you've seen me in the choir! You may have to click on the pic for a better view. (I'm about level with Sis. Webb's head on the right.) Something interesting you many not have noticed about this choir is that not one person is wearing earrings. Sis. Webb has spent quite a bit of time with people from the Islands. Not wearing earrings (even the ones we were originally allowed to wear) was kind of a "shout out" to our sisters in the poor countries around the world and our way of making sure they knew that they didn't need fancy things to be part of our fold. Also at the end of one of the congregational songs, Sis. Webb kind of nods her head back in greeting for a special "we're thinking about you" to a woman in Fiji whose son had come to talk to us at one of our rehearsals.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Tomorrow is the day

I take my final for my medical transcription tomorrow. Yay and ick. I have 48 hours to complete it once I sign in to the test site. The first part should be a breeze. It's objective with multiple choice. The second part is 8 different reports to transcribe. This is were it can be tricky. There are so many little things that you can lose points for. I've also heard there are usually at least a couple of ESL doctors. Not my idea of a real good time. I am really looking forward to Friday night this week! (Besides the fact that Numb3rs will be on. :) ) Hopefully soon, I can respond to emails and maybe update my blog some!

I hope everyone enjoyed the RS broadcast! Thanks for all your nice comments.