Tuesday, January 4, 2011

The House: Part I

OK.  You've asked for it.  You've waited for it.  And now it's finally here.  The first installment of "The House."  We'll have to do this in parts though.  I don't want to anger anyone, so I'll show you pictures of the rooms that are clean (or were clean when the photos were taken).  As we get more done, I'll post more.  K? OK.

Here we go!

This is our "formal living room" or the piano room for now.  That white door leads to.....

The library!!  (Otherwise knows at the "formal dining" room)See all that green?  that was formerly a rose-pink reminiscent and paying tribute to the early 90s.  All those boxes?  Empty.  Waiting to be relocated or recycled.  We've got a couple of chaise chairs at Ikea all picked out for our reading comfort and pleasure.  In this room is another door that leads to the...
Kitchen. (not taken from the angle of the library).  Against the wall that is the unintended highlight of the photo is our computer desk, fridge and a decent sized pantry.  Also there is plenty of dining space our large table.

And a nice deck off the dining area.  I'm thinking come spring I'll put some planters out there and soften the bamboo prison look.

Off the living room we'll go up:
and down the hall
Take the first left and you have:

McKay's room.  He's really loving the Pooh Bear border. ;)  Really he is begging us to repaint ASAP. In the mean time, he has hung up some solar system stickers and a shark poster to harden the pooh bear image.

The second left:
is Lyndsi's room.  I love her room.  Sometime I'll have to get a picture looking out her window.  She seems fine with the nondescript walls and is loving being on the same floor as her brother and sister while keeping her room all to herself. 

Well, folks that's all for today.  I promise I'll keep working on unpacking and cleaning.  We still have various family rooms, craft room, play room and my room left.  Oh and all the outdoor shots too.  It'll be worth the wait.  Promise.


Cami said...

An excellent representation so far...
I want my own room. :)

Bits and Pieces of Me...Emily! said...

that is looking really good! Don't you love moving into a house and making it your own? I've only done it once, but it was nice! :) And i don't think any of us will be mad at you for being busy and not posting a ton of pictures..I was sneaky and went on google and found your house there..just the outside mind..Are you just loving the space?? SPACE, that it was I long for! :)

Eric and Hannah said...

Space.... what is that??? I love your new house!!!! :D

Anisa said...

Fun... so, where do you live?

marlene said...

Yay! I love it :)

Melissa said...

Loving what I see! Congratulations.

Sally said...

Love it, love it, and love it some more! Thanks for posting. You're amazing. Love you.