Four days left that is. This month has been a crazy roller coaster of writing. Some days are fabulous and I can reach my daily word count goals in just a couple of hours. The plot takes care of it's self, characters behave accordingly and all is happy. Other days are exactly opposite. It's like the story along with everyone in it is just staring at you blankly (almost the same way you feel like you're staring at the empty screen). Or tiredness wins when brain power fails. I've been known (more than once) to wake up to a few lines of gibberish staring back at me. Yes, folks, I sleep type.
Today, however, was one of the good days. In fact I'd go so far as to say it's the best day of all 26, and I imagine it will be the best day of the entire month. It was that good. The story practically wrote itself. I just did my best to keep up with it. Are there plot holes and flaws? Absolutely. Is the writing gorgeous and captivating? Ha! Probably not. But. It has potential. A lot of it. Beautiful things and funny things happened. Smooth and brilliant (to me) transitions happened. I couldn't stop typing. The daily goal is 1,667. Today I stopped at 4,375.
I am in love.
Total word count for November: 43,010
Cookie Salad
13 years ago