Sunday, April 10, 2011

What a week!

Man.  I'm glad we're starting a new week.  The last week has been filled with near comatose children, 4 month shots (and accompanying fever), horrible coughs, a dad who's MIA (only because of tax season tho), and a mom who's been rendered useless for the weekend.

But.  With trials come blessings.  My mom spent a good part of Friday and almost all of Saturday taking care of my kids. She took Sophie to Kindergarten orientation Friday, took the big girls to help her pick up our bountiful baskets, did my laundry, cleaned my house, played with my kids, brought dinner over Friday night.  Saturday afternoon she took the kids to her house where she watched movies with them, fed them (again), took them to their stake roadshow and brought them home.  A friend of mine told me just Thursday that moms never stop worrying about there kids.  I've reflected on that a lot since I've had to rely on mine so much the last couple of days.  I think it's helped me to be both more humble and definitely more grateful. 

It hasn't been just my mom though taking care me this week.  I've been doing this new healthy eating/fitness competition thing with some friends.  One of my teammates knew McKay was too sick for me to go leave for anything, so she dropped off a bottle of V8 Fusion. That might sound silly, but some days it's hard to get in 5 fruits and veggies.  It was a huge blessing.  Saturday another teammate and good friend who happened to find out that I was sick.  (ok.  I think I may have mentioned that I felt like I was 2 beds down from death.) She brought dinner in Saturday.  Another friend called to see how McKay was doing and could tell by my raspy voice I'd caught something too.  She reprimanded me (in the way that we friends do) and said I should've called for help. She would've brought dinner in. She also repeatedly asked what she could do to help out.  I know she would've done anything I asked.  She's that kind of girl.  Unrelated to being sick, another friend dropped by a lovely birthday gift with a personal note that was more gift than anything she could've bought.  It made this hard-to-bear week so much more bearable. 

I am lucky.  Blessed.  Fortunate.  Grateful. Humble. Pick your adjective.   ;)

Oh-and the baby is feeling better despite the runny nose.  We've even managed to get a couple of "binky smiles" out of her.


Emily Youngdell said...

Wow, Angie! What a week! I'm glad your Mom was there to help you out. Aren't Mom's and great friends such a lifesaver when life gets rough?
I must apologize for not keeping in touch better. Now that I have rejoined the blogging world I will do better. I promise. :) Your litte girl is so cute. Oh my heavens, she is adorable. I hope you guys are feeling better. We've had yucky coughs too, but not as bad as you guys. Hang in there!

Cami said...

This really is unfair. I don't get to know you're sick becdause my computer doesn't work?
I am so sorry you've been sick! :( Should've known it was coming though, with McK and all...
I'm borrowing from the library again here so I still won't be up and running online.
I'll text you later.

thefirewoman said...

So sorry you have all been so sick!! I'm so glad you have such a great family and friends taking such good care of you!! And how cute is Chloe even though she sick...precious! :)