Tuesday, July 22, 2008

My Christmas Planner

Yay! Post #2 is all about planning to keep myself sane the entire month of December. Here is the basics of my holiday planning goals:

Christmas goals:

Gift Buying:
Both sets of Parents and Greg-labor day
Marchant Names-Oct. Conference
Maynes Names-Halloween
Kids-Thanksgiving weekend (Black Friday baby!!)
Each other (Thanksgiving weekend)
Neighbor gifts (Thanksgiving Weekend)

Christmas Cards- Oct. 4 and 5

v Festival of trees (12-2 thru 12-6)
v Cookie Exchange (11-29?)
v Polar Express movie night
v Mary and Joseph Dinner
v Gingerbread Cookies with kids
v Violin Christmas concert at care center

Another great tool is something I found a holiday control journal at Fly Lady's website. I may not be consistent with her techniques, but this is one thing I use every year. You can find it here.
The one other thing I'm trying to do to help myself be in a good place by December 1 is working on daily routines to help me gain control of my home and keep it consistently clean. Thanks goes againg to flylady and her daily habits and also to the book "Organizing from the Inside Out."
I am determined 2008 will be the best Christmas to date. (Ugh. I promise I did purposely make that rhyme!)


Anonymous said...
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nateandcj said...

Since it looks like you will be way ahead of me this year and organized by the time Christmas comes, why don't you do mine for me? (if it could only be that easy..) Looks great!!

Jamie said...

Wow. Got a little OCD going this year, eh? Na, I think it's great that you're planning ahead instead of waiting until the last minute. It'll make Christmas fantastic!

marlene said...

You have inspired me to get going myself - I love being ahead and on top of things for the holidays. I really feel that the greatest part of the FlyLady system is the morning and night routines. When we don't follow ours, this house chaotic! I am a believer for sure :)

Emily Youngdell said...

I am with you on this one Ange. I love your idea where you set aside a certain time to buy presents for certain people. I might have to copy that.
I haven't Christams shopped yet but I have a savings account with Christmas money that I have been saving. I have never done this before and I am so proud of myself. I love Christmas and usually I am swamped and overwhelmed and it is more of a hassle than fun. Hopefully not this year, right?